
Iroha Kimura, a local paranormal investigator, has recently been the talk of the town due to her assistance in investigating, finding, and ultimately cleansing houses of haunting entities.

One day, she gets a call on her cell phone to investigate a seemingly familiar location.


  • An explorable mansion filled with secrets.
  • Adjustable player stats.
  • Toggleable smooth or instant grid-based movement + 90 degree turning.
  • Dialogue based opening and closing cutscenes.
  • Entire soundtrack of piano brought to you by me and the power of a bottle of bourbon. 


  • WASD / Arrow Keys - Movement
  • Click - Item Interaction / Dialogue Progression
  • Space - Dialogue Progression
  • F - Flashlight Toggle
  • J - Journal Toggle (Pause Menu + Character Screen + Options Menu)


Half Moon Manor by Plutonium Pigeons (myself and AxolotIHime)

Particle Effects by Archanor VFX

Tips and Tricks

Don't forget to apply your stats! Everything does affect your character, as well as enemies are "kind of" randomly generated, with some structure. So, for the final boss battle to not be awful, don't forget to apply everything how you want! 

  • Strength is melee attacks + how much you can move.
  • Constitution is how much health you have.
  • Defense is how much you can take a hit.
  • Intelligence is how much magic damage you can do (what you mainly do!).

Also, I find having smooth movement on helps with fighting the enemies. Being able to catch glimpses of where they are and move in that direction helps a ton! 

The starting weapon has 2 spawn locations and it is picked at random. 

  1. Turn around, go straight, turn right, follow the hallway into the big room, and it's in there.
  2. Turn left, immediately turn right, go straight until the wall, turn right, and it's in that corner.

Also, the enemies have a little charge up before they attack. They ring a bell when they have light of sight, then have a small period before they attack. Breaking line of sight will stop them from attacking.

I hope you enjoy the game and have fun! :)

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